Coach Send-off/Warning

Coach Send-off/Warning
  1. Any coach cited for a warning in an officail game report or harrassing a referee during the post-game "Verification Meeting" will be suspended at the discretion of the East Central Games Commissioner.  If a coah is ejected at any time during the game, the game bay be declared a forfeit.
  2. Coach Misconduct
    • Coaches in the East Central Leagues are expected to exhibit the highest level of sporting behavior and are responsible for the attitudes and behavior of their assistant coaches, players and spectators.
    • In the event the referee determines the conduct of the coach is detrimental to the game, the referee may ask the coach to leave the immediate vicinity.  Immediate vicinity shall be defined as sufficient distance from the playing field where the offending party cannot cause additional disruptions to the game.  This is considered the "out of sight and out of sound principle"
    • Anytime a coach is sent off the field, the referee must report it in Game Officials.
    • When a coaching send-off report is received by the East Central Games Commissioner, the commissioner will investigate the incident and recommend an appropriate response, in consultation with the coach's club president, to the East Central Association President.  Repeat offenses will factor into the severity of the response.  This response can take the form of one or more of the following.
      • Suspension from one game (automatic) to lifetime dependent upon the severity of the incident.
      • Attending and completing an anger management course. (Cost to be born by the coach and/or club for which they coach)
      • Probation
    • If the response (decision) includes anger management training or introductory referee training. these courses must be completed at the next opportunity or the coach will be suspended until the course has been completed.
    • An investigation can be initiated by a signed letter or e-mail from a third party.  The response to this investigation can take the same form as a send-off report.
    • Decisions may be appealed per the East Central appeals process with a $75.00 appeal fee being posted within 48 hours of  eing advised of the decision.  The appeal will be heard withing 20 days of the appeal being accepted  If the decision is overturned or modified the appeal fee will be returned to the appellant.