Field Markings

Field Markings

Regardless of private arrangements between clubs or other entities, it is still the sole responsibility of the home team to see that the field is adequately marked to the satisfaction of the referee. Home team sets corner flags.  Referees can exercise the option to refuse to have the game played if the field is not adequately marked.  This results in a forfeit by the home team. 

Field Changes

Field Changes

If field changes are done well before the game is played, the field scheduler can have it updated on the East Central website using the current scheduling tool.  Club personnel listed in the program will be notified by email.

If teams are already in route to play the game, an attempt to contact the traveling team should be made to notify them of the switch.  As a courtesy the home team should arrange to have the away team and referee met at the originally scheduled field and escort them to the new field location.  

The home club will verify field are playable 2 1/2 hours before game time of the earliest game time on that field - Motioned passed February 2022

Field Location