Beginning at 11U, each coach/manager will present the Official East Central roster (printed in color) to the referee prior to their team's check-in. The referee will utilize the roster to properly check-in the team. Player's jersey numbers need to be added to the roster either in the registration system or by hand.
Score Posting: Actual score will be posted within 48 hours. The winning team or in the case of a tie, the "Home Team" will record the score on the East Central website.
Failure to provide the referee with the roster prior to the match will have 10 minutes to produce the roster. After that time the game will be declared a forfeit and may not be rescheduled.
Beginning August 1, 2009, any player 14U and below may register up a maximum of two age levels on any East Central 11U-16U League. For example, players defined as a 11U player can be eligible for a team that registers with East Central to play in a 13U league.
If a State level team elects to play in the East Central League, they are to play in a competitive appropriate league as determined by East Central.
Game Incident Report on Game Officials
The head referee will report any game day issues by using Ref Insight. This would include player, coach and fan misconduct.
By submitting this application your club agrees to review and follow all of East Central Rules for the program you are registering the team for. Please read the application carefully as updates have been made.
Non-East Central teams should also read the Club in Good Standing Policy.
Link to Non Particiant Form
Only for Player or Coach Use
The Non-Participation Verification Form will be emailed to the coach of the team the player is rostered on and where the player will be serving the suspension on. The card can also be found by clicking the link above. The coach of the suspended player will present the non-participation card to the head referee prior to the start of the game. This informs the head referee that a player is serving a suspension. After each game, the head referee will verify that the player did not participate in the game and note the date and time on the non-participation verification card. Players must attend the game of the non-participation as a spectator. So the referee knows who the player is the player should wear a jersey, but street clothing for the rest of his/her attire.